Colors of Life
When a child is born he doesn’t possess the ability to distinguish between the colors because of his immaturity of brain. All the colors appears White to him. Ironically a child trust everything whatever comes to him or whatever is told to him. He is yet to discern about right and wrong or good or bad. It’s not so hard to understand why a child is considered as holy and innocent as almighty God.
As the time goes on the child’s cognitive power is honed by his parents and relatives, especially, by the culture of his immediate surroundings. His brain starts distinguishing the different colors present within white but he is yet to differentiate accurately all the colors from white. But he notably he prefers Yellow as he progress more towards youth.
At 18, the child comes out of the shell of adolescence and commences his Green days. Green the symbol of youth, age of breaking all conventions, all rules, age of dreaming. This is the most crucial period of life when he can see all the colors of life, but, still it’s too early to comprehend the true sense of all the colors.
In his youth, when he falls in love he finds himself as the worshipper of Red and start forgetting the other colors. But he is disheartened or becomes unsuccessful he starts singing in Blue
Once that youth set his foot on world of work, he becomes a full grown man. He is now matured to the fullest degrees. He now understands the difference between Black and White i.e. Evil and Good.
Now, it comes the responsibility of his married life which is combined with love, sympathy, compromise, trust and responsibility. It’s like a rainbow in his life consists many colors of life.
One day that man becomes parent and bring a new life into the world. With his child the man once again the starts finding the old colors which he has forgot or tries to see the colors in the eyes of his progeny. In this way he brings some colors in his life which becomes Gray with the years passes away.
His life has seen all the colors he has to see and his life is no longer perturbed by the curiosity of knowing a new color. With the passing age, the man gradually loses the efficacy of his sense organs, not all the colors are so discretely visible to him. Now again all the colors of his life seems to converge to one single color which he started his life with i.e. White.