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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why this kolaveri di ?

It sounds , painfully, funny that 93 persons are dead in a fire in a Hospital, an institution where people come to rejuvenate, to recover from the or disabilities. But the incident is not in accord with this truth. Those who have now become stars of the sky, may be singing this song in a sarcastic manner –“why this kilaveri di? “ – Why did you do this to me? But what my point is that who this “you”, they pointing to. Is it the responsible of the owner, board members or the intelligent corporate honchos or the dutiful hospital stuffs or is it the circumspective fire department officials, or the watchful police department. The Govt. and the law already have taken its course of action by victimizing the guilty owners and the board members and everybody look content with such a quick and effective decision of the administration. But I belief that this is not the last one, many more such incident are about to come in future. This will not deter other people in other sector to evade fire security policy. If we start finding out, it will open a Pandora’s box.

I look it in a different perspective. Accident can happen anytime, anywhere but our main focus should be on managing accident after they occur rather than preventing them to occur at first place. Instead of considering it as a random accident, I see it as an outcome of many different incidents/actions developing over the years. Fire broke out, but the hospital stuffs didn’t informed Fire Department and police immediately as a compliance with the rules and regulations of the hospital management. Hospital management took this decision of not calling fire department as result of their past experience of extinguishing the fire their own without giving a chance to tarnish the hospital’s goodwill. The hospital management flouted the fire security policy and building plan etc. But where from they got this right to play with the life of people by ignoring the rules and regulation. Fire department warned them about the unauthorized dumping of chemicals at the basement and gave them a notice to work upon. But after that it had been few months that the police or department ignored to give a visit and to check the improvement. This is our very fond “Chalta hai” attitude, because of our “ho jayega”, procrastinating habit. Insincerity is there in our blood. From corporate boss to floor sweeper, whatever the profession it is, we do our work not out of our sincerity and responsibility rather out of conformity and compulsion. Those corporate are not aliens they are someone like us; their small decisions have lot of echo unlike the others who ignore their work by thinking that it does not harm others. But work is work, how small it is, both are member of same ethnic group. Corruption is not only giving or taking bribe, if you are not sincere or responsible to your work that is also a kind of corruption. In either way most of us corrupted to some extent. So if we are not a better person how can we expect the same from a person from whom we are getting service?

The hospital was flouting its lack of fire prevention facility for year after year. Why the hospital was was given permission to run even one day after getting notice from fire department or if it were necessary why fire department/police administration was were not conscious about the seriousness of the situation. How many times you have seen that a board member or a manager or a minister who is part of the board is detained after an accident in aero plane or rail. It’s very common in India that in any road accident between two entities, people start biting the one who is survived, or less injured or unscathed without wasting anytime in finding the real guilty.

So, punishing the big bosses will not solve the problem. There is person like us who is there in the police profession, fire brigade, hospital staff or in the management group. Today their little ignorance has paid the price. So may be those dead souls pointing us as 'you’ in a sarcastic way. What can make a difference is the change in our mentality. If we start thinking that each of our activity is accountable to country or society, it is not very far that we will be agreeing with author:

"Bharat abar jagat sobhay srestho ason lobe"

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